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EasyPark: From mid-October you can park your car in St.  Veit using an app

EasyPark: From mid-October you can park your car in St. Veit using an app

The request has been long overdue, and now the project is on the right track: The parking application will be introduced in the St. Vit County Township from mid-October, which St. Vit City Council decided unanimously on Wednesday night. Drivers will no longer have to have the convenient little change ready. With the EasyPark app, you can start, stop or extend your parking time. Mayor Martin Kulmer (SPÖ): “The EasyPark app adds the option to purchase tickets from parking ticket machines for the city’s blue zone or to purchase monthly parking tickets at Blumenhalle.”

Advertised benefits: Payment is made by credit or debit card in SEPA, PayPal or ApplePay. The system is flexible, the standing time can be started, stopped and extended to a maximum of 180 minutes in the application. The only requirement is to download the app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store. After that, the user only has to enter the phone number and license plate number, passwords are not required for the system.

Parking fees incurred are collected directly from customers by EasyPark. EasyPark charges a transaction fee per queue, which in St. Veit 15 percent (at least 10 cents) of the respective parking fee and can be settled at a flat monthly termination rate of €1.99. Kolmer: “The municipality of St. Veet bears the transaction costs for a year, so that citizens and users pay only parking fees during this period.”

In addition to St. Vit, the app can also be used in about 50 Austrian cities – in Carinthia in Villach – and in more than 2,200 European cities.

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“With EasyPark, drivers in St. Veit of the future will find and pay for parking spaces in 20 European countries using a single app,” says Markus Heingärtner, Managing Director of EasyPark Austria. In addition, EasyPark can be operated via onboard systems on current Volvo, Renault, Mercedes-Benz and Polestar models directly from the vehicle. EasyPark is Europe’s first parking app and is also available via Apple CarPlay and Android Auto.

The cost of the city is estimated at a few hundred euros. It just comes down to the assumption of transaction costs.