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Economic Policy – Member of the Airport Board of Directors Ofner becomes Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ÖBAG

Economic Policy – Member of the Airport Board of Directors Ofner becomes Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ÖBAG

State holding company ÖBAG gets a new chairman of the supervisory board at Günther Ovner, the airport’s chief financial officer. He succeeds Helmut Kern. Offner is scheduled to be elected at the ÖBAG general meeting on Wednesday afternoon. The revenue flowing from ÖBAG subsidiaries such as OMV, Telekom and Post as well as the link to the state has also been fixed.

With the 65-year-old doctor of law Ofner, the head of the aviation professional group of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ) moves to ÖBAG as chair of the supervisory board. The media associate him with the black ÖVP, and at that time he was the vice president of the ÖVP Political Academy. With Kern’s farewell, ÖBAG’s turquoise era is over, newspapers have analyzed, but like Thomas Schmid, the only former ÖBAG manager to stumble upon chats, he is considered the Turquoise Man.

Board member since 1994

Ofner has held positions on the boards of listed and unlisted companies since 1994, giving him management experience in the energy, telecommunications and insurance sectors. Offner is also active as a member of the supervisory board. He is the head of this body at Hypo NÖ and the social welfare organization Burgenland, and vice-chairman of the boards of Austro Control and Wiener Städtische. (Abba)

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