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Elections – Midyatli wants to campaign for Harris in America – Politics

Elections – Midyatli wants to campaign for Harris in America – Politics

Kiel (dpa / lno) – SPD Federal Vice President Serpil Midyatli wants to go with other SPD politicians in the US state of Georgia at the end of October with the election campaign of the Democrats. “We will use the time just before the election in the election campaign of Kamala Harris,” Schleswig-Holstein's opposition leader told the German press agency. They wanted to get involved where help was needed. The trip to Atlanta from October 20th to 25th is organized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

“November 5 is a fateful election for America. There are more ballots than the names of presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump,” Mityadly said. The question of who will enter the White House is nothing less than protecting democracy. “A second term for Donald Trump is far-reaching geopolitical and economic. “Includes risks – potentially disastrous consequences for transatlantic relations.”

According to Mityadly, an exchange with leading Democratic Party representatives is also planned on how cooperation can be intensified. “We will use the stay to learn about topics like election security in the United States.”

© dpa-infocom, dpa:241014-930-259617/1

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