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Elvis: The King of Rock and Roll: Elvis Presley’s International Day

Elvis: The King of Rock and Roll: Elvis Presley’s International Day

August 16th is Elvis Presley Day. To honor the King of Rock’n’Roll, we asked what makes it so special.

Herzogenburg district. One of the most successful singers and actors: Elvis Presley. We asked him exactly what makes him special then and now. With who but with real connoisseurs – The Ridin’ Dudes.

Always something new

From an original letter from Elvis himself to an original Elvis sunglasses or his summer jacket, everything is already available at Rene Grohs. “Personally, I think the leather outfit from Back in 1986 is the best,” Ridin’ Dudes’ Rene Grohs said. The rocker also has a clear favorite: “Don’t Cry Daddy.” Overall, “All the songs are great, especially with Elvis’ vocal change over the past three decades. Over his years in business, he’s repeatedly reinvented music in his own style on stage,” Grohes says of the icon.

special aura

Mario Brunner says about King of Rock. Another special feature of Elvis: his aura. Brunner continues, “As soon as he entered the room, I felt a very special aura. And even today, when you step on Graceland’s doorstep, that special energy is still there.” The absolute fan favorite song: Suspicious Minds. And, as befits a fan, Brunner also has original Elvis parts in house. These include the original tour jacket, guitarist’s jersey and the original signature.

Mario Brunner with Elvis' guitarist, James Burton.
Closer to history