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End of Radio Reception – NRK – NRK Press – News Releases,

End of Radio Reception – NRK – NRK Press – News Releases,

Thus, “radio reception” is history.

– Bjarte Tjøstheim says that we have an opportunity that we can not say no to. Dor Sagan admits it’s scary, but they do it for the same reasons as those who join the Telemark battalion: courage and enthusiasm.

– Throwing yourself into something you don’t know is a little exciting. When you do this with your two best friends, it doesn’t get too exciting. But excited enough, says Steiner Sagan.

But it is not yet officially confirmed if the new adventure for the three will continue.

Leaving the NRK is sad

Together, they will continue to create light-minded entertainments at the highest levels of the sky, according to Jorda Dijostimine. But leaving the NRK would be sad, and none of them would doubt it.

– Aside from being an assistant on Saturday at Confectmacarium, I had phone interviews at Norsk Caleb and a parking assistant at Europark for two weeks, in the middle of the holiday week, I worked nowhere other than NRK. This is my second home in over twenty years and the exit is incredibly sad, says Dor Sagan.

Besides, it’s not over – they continue on projects like “Side by Side”.


– NRK It is definitely a shame that they have left. We wish them good luck and thanks to so many wonderful television and radio moments over the years, says NRK Entertainment Editor Charlo Holverson.

It has not been decided who will be responsible after the trio. Last broadcast with radio reception in December 2020.

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Until the summer, the three providers are working on various projects at NRK.