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Energy consulting and support – four dates this year

Energy consulting and support – four dates this year

Telfs. This year, the regular energy consultations of the “Energie Tirol” association will be held four times in the works of the Telfs municipality. Telferin Margit Koch provides independent and product-neutral information on all energy issues related to construction, renovation and living as well as commuting and corresponding subsidies at the operations center at Bahnhofstrasse 40.

Margit Cottage is available on the last Thursday of every month from 1 PM to 5 PM (September 29, Oct 27, Nov 24, Dec 22) by appointment. It is about thermal regeneration of existing buildings, renovation of heating technology or new construction projects. Mistakes during new construction or conversion should be avoided, living comfort and energy efficiency should be increased and subsidies should be exhausted. Central considerations are optimum building services and consideration of the ecological footprint.

GemeindeWerke General Manager Dirk Jäger, An experienced energy consultant himself, recommends contacting Energie Tirol:

“Many mistakes can be avoided, especially when it comes to thermal insulation or thermal regeneration, heating technology and hot water preparation. In addition, recently mobility has become more important. For years we have been happy to provide a room on our premises free of charge for this important consultation.”

Dirk Jäger takes care of the municipal heat pump himself. Their process requires some knowledge. “Combined with our PV systems and the company’s electric vehicles, this results in a reasonable system and we can cover a significant portion of our energy needs from renewable sources,” the General Manager confirms:

“One thing leads to another. At times like this, every contribution, however small, to reducing energy consumption or to a reasonable and thoughtful use of energy is important.”

The subsidies from Tyrol and the federal government are great. It can be about half the cost of an “Oil and Gas” heating system, for example a heat pump or pellet system. There are also subsidies for the installation of the PV system. E-mobility (cars, motorcycles and scooters) is also promoted.

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