The British designer known for his menswear succeeds Grace Wills Bonner. After Grace Wills Bonner, Craig Green will take over...
Madonna had to postpone the start of her long-planned "Celebration Tour" across Canada, the United States, Mexico and Europe. The...
Madonna had to postpone her planned world tour shortly in June due to a serious injury, and the American pop...
timetable The police and the Salzburg magistrate are now warning of a scam involving shiny but worthless gold rings, which...
The Kreisler Trio Vienna, made up of Axel Kircher, Bogidara Kuzmanova and Louis Zurita, spoiled guests with works by Beethoven...
African American English is the dialect of African Americans. Hip hop and social media have been transcribing jargon and jargon...
Genres come and go, and trends change hands. Rock from the '60s and '70s and hits from the heyday of...
Reiterkogel's famous family theme course in Saalbach Hinterglemm wasn't just a visual facelift. Thanks to the assistant director's passion for...
The tenth and final film from cult director Quentin Tarantino, the film critic, is currently in production and could feature...
By Manfred KellnerChiltern - The big round of the Kittenberger Gartenarena was almost full to the last seat, groups of...