The satirical musical "Spamalot", based on the feature film "The Knights of the Coconut", directed by Werner Sobotka, breaks all...
Comedian Alex Kristan launched the show "50 Shades of Schmäh" on the occasion of his 50th birthday. Maria Enzersdorfer is...
A new video for “I Can Do It With A Broken Heart” features several small scenes from the “Eras” tour....
German TV audiences were recently surprised by a cozy prime-time special. ORF should not imitate this. She looks beautiful, little...
For five years now, there has been a gondola in the airport lounge, while the Skygate in Schladming bears the...
Tony Kurz welcomed visitors to the opening of the exhibition “Anima Mundi” in the halls of the Horne Art Society....
Outside, in the garden, rain was forecast. So it was best to stay indoors on the last night of the...
London Zoo has dismantled an artwork by British artist Banksy and replaced it with a replica. The image shows a...
On the main square in Grosswiekersdorf, the sounds of brass music filled the air as the Grosswiekersdorf-Rupperstal Brass Band invited...