Catherine Zagrosek Photo: dpa With over sixty concerts throughout the Ruhr region, the Ruhr Piano Festival is one of the...
when Felipe VI of Spain (54) He was still young, and the heir to the throne at that time could...
In the pictures James posted on his Instagram account on Friday evening, the second in line to the British throne...
MUNICH / VIENNA, May 15, 2022 (KAP) Franz Xaver Bugner depicts the book "Hemel, Hergot, Sacrament" by Reverend Rainer Maria...
A wish for peace at the beginning: with a huge choir "Give Peace a Chance", chanted in a square in...
Videos provided by the video platform "Austrian Press Agency" (APA). A third-party provider in which to embed the live blogs...
A huge deal is emerging in the world of music: the rights to the entire business of British rock band...
Time and time again, it has been suggested that Zac Efron would not want to go back to his roots....
Plus With "Carmen" and "Rigoletto" she was an inspiration: Elisabeth Sobotka has been running the Bregenz Festival since 2015....
The fact that the Queen is a horse fanatic has been known to the public since her official birthday photo...