Next season, "Der Freischütz" will be premiered at the Bregenz Festival. A bleak landscape of dead trees now appears on...
The premiere of Thomas Bernhard's new production of "Heldenplatz" ended just 20 minutes before midnight Saturday at the Burgtheater in...
The Herring Feast of Traditional Artists was opened by the Music School's wind orchestra in colorful costumes. A veritable crowd...
“We convinced Walter Grassmann to organize a great jazz concert at sciBBess. When he contacted Carole Alston and a few...
When the sun tickles your skin, your gaze wanders over the blue sea and the cocktail in your hand tastes...
At the Hainburg Haydn Society's opening concert of the season on Saturday at the Kulturfabrik Hainburg (Bruck an der Leitha...
Comedy of troubled parents February 16, 2024. Two young men who deviate from the norm in their search for identity...
February 15, 2024 at 6:29 pm (Law February 15, 2024 at 6:29 p.m.) The Berlinale, along with Cannes and Venice,...
From April 3 to July 13, the theater festival “Steudltenn” will once again be held in Zillertal. TV presenter Harald...
The focus is on Austrian drama from Johann Nestroy to Thomas Bernhard Reichenau Festival 2024The program was presented in Vienna...