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EPA plans to hire Tesla as consultant, according to GHG quota report >

EPA plans to hire Tesla as consultant, according to GHG quota report >

U.S. President Joe Biden personally avoids association with Tesla and refers to the company as an electric car pioneer, but his administration as a whole does not. On the day of Biden’s inauguration in January 2021, an EPA employee contacted Tesla’s top lobbyist for advice on rules similar to the German GHG quota. Reported this June Reuters news agency. Now the EPA is said to be on the verge of introducing new regulations after 2022 — one that would actually reward the carbon benefits of electric cars.

RIN allocation for US electric cars is coming

In Germany, GHG allocation has become a well-known tool because fFor electric car owners, this now brings in around 400 euros in revenue per year. A greenhouse gas credit is sold based on fixed assumptions about the consumption and mileage of each electric car. Buyers may use it to meet part of the increasingly stringent obligations of mineral oil companies to reduce emissions from their products.

Similar rules already exist in the US in the form of the EPA’s Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS). As in Germany, oil companies must make available a certain amount of biofuels or buy their ransom here with the help of credits, known as RINs for short. According to one A new report from Reuters The company is now ready to submit the requested proposals for reforming the system. Part of this should include e-RINs, which are tradable greenhouse credits for each electric car.

It was hailed by those who represented the biggest change since the RFS program was launched a decade ago, Reuters reports. The recommendations will be sent to the White House by the end of next week. Obviously, e-RINS should be addressed directly to Tesla and other electric car manufacturers, as in Germany, rather than to their customers.

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Christmas and Easter in August for Tesla

According to the report, the EPA received intensive consultation from Tesla during production. As in Germany, operators of charging stations could benefit from reformed US quotas, and even new players such as landfills that supply biogas to power plants should benefit. Tesla has already contacted such operators about a possible partnership, Reuters previously reported.

In the US, a goal set by Biden and supported by many manufacturers is to reach a 50 percent share of electric cars in new registrations by 2030. He recently authored a legislative package that backs this option with hundreds of billions of dollars in support measures, through the Deinflation Act. Tesla will benefit greatly from newly designed tax incentives for electric car buyers and, directly, more subsidies for battery and rechargeable battery production. Some visitors Already saw “August Christmas” for Tesla started With the new EPA rules, Easter may be added from January.