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EQS-PVR: IMMOFINANZ AG: Published in accordance with Section 135 (2) BörseG for worldwide publication | 10/06/22

EQS Voting Rights Notice: IMMOFINANZ AG

IMMOFINANZ AG: Publishing pursuant to Article 135 (2) BörseG with the aim of disseminating information throughout Europe

10.06.2022 / 15:42
Issuance of a Voting Rights Declaration sent by EQS – a service of EQS Group AG.
The issuer/publisher is responsible for the content of the notification.

Notice of participation in accordance with §§ 130 to 134 BörseG 2018
Zurich, 10 June 2022


Notification will be made after the deadline


2. Reason for notification: Acquisition/sale of shares (voting rights)

3. Person to report
family name: UPS Group AG
seat: Zurich
nation: Switzerland

4. Names of Shareholders:

5. The date of crossing the threshold: 8.6.2022

6. The general position of the person to be reported

Percentage of voting rights attributed to him Involved belong (7.A) Percentage of voting rights he owns Other / Financial Instruments Represent (7.B.1 + 7.B.2)

the total From
7.A + 7.B in%
The overall figure of voting rights exporters
mode in
Crossing the threshold day
0.47% 0.25% 0.72% 138650 327
Status in the previous notification (if any) 4.50% 0.72% 5.22%


7. Details of tools saved on the day the threshold was touched:

A: Voting rights associated with shares
ISIN for shares Number of voting rights Voting Rights Percentage
(Section 130 of the Stock Exchange Law 2018)
not directly
(Section 133 of the Stock Exchange Law 2018)
(Section 130 of the Stock Exchange Law 2018)
not directly
(Section 133 Stock Exchange Law
AT0000A21KS2 563172 0.41%
AT0000A2UUN5 90516 0.07%
Subtotal 653 688 0.47%
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B1: Financial instruments / other instruments pursuant to Section 131 Paragraph 1 No. 1 BörseG 2018
Instrument type Expiration date exercise period The number of voting rights that can be obtained Voting Rights Percentage
Shares Usage Rights (AT0000A21KS2) Unavailable At what time 32634 0.02%
Right to withdraw the loan shares (AT0000A2UUN5) Unavailable At what time 110 thousand 0.08%
Subtotal B 1 142634 0.10%

B2: Financial Instruments / Other Instruments According to Section 131 Paragraph 1 No. 2 BörseG 2018
Instrument type Expiration date exercise period physical or monetary settlement Number of voting rights Voting Rights Percentage
stock futures contracts 06/17/2022 Unavailable monetary 953 199 0.14%
Subtotal B 2 953 199 0.14%

8- Information related to the responsible person:

Full of A series of controlled entities through which voting rights and/or financial/other instruments are held, starting with the controlling natural or legal person:

number family name Live number controlled Live Voting rights reserved Involved (%) Live detained Other / Financial Instruments (%) the total of both (%)
1 UPS Group AG
2 UPS AG 1 0.38% 0.22% 0.60%
3 UPS Switzerland AG 2 0.02% 0.02%
4 UPS Asset Management Ltd 2
5 UBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) SA 4 0.02% 0.02%
6 UPS Asset Management Holdings (No. 2) Ltd. 4
7 UPS Asset Management Holdings Limited 6
VIII UPS Asset Management (UK) Limited 7 0.02% 0.02%
9 UBS Asset Management Life Limited 7 0.01% 0.01%
10 UPS Asset Management Switzerland AG 4
11 UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG 10 0.04% 0.04%
12 UPS Americas Holdings LLC 2
13 UBS Americas Inc. 12
14 UBS Asset Management Trust Company 13 0.01% 0.01%
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9. In the case of proxy voting

Date of the Ordinary General Assembly:-

Percentage of voting rights after the annual general meeting: – correspond – voting rights

10- Other comments:

Zurich on June 10, 2022
