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EW Analysis – China vs. US – China vs. Microsoft – takes back

EW Analysis – China vs. US – China vs. Microsoft – takes back

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Elliott wave analysis


Elliott wave analysis

Review including chart: With Elliott wave theory, long-term trends can be predicted particularly well. We must take advantage of this distorting advantage Elliott Wellen Denbaker Business To use. If you take it very carefully, almost all 87/13 values ​​can turn into a Denpaker. CHINASOFT is on the stock wave 3, Which was acknowledged by the new all-time hike. A wave may already form on the run-up 1, In sub-waves (1) – (2) – (3) – (4) – (5), And a wave 2, In waves (W) – (X) – (Y), Train. At the rise of the wave 3, They are also in sub-waves (1) – (2) – (3) – (4) – (5) By design, the bulls should reach the intermediate target of HKD 95.62 for the long term.

Course History in Monthly Schedule (Record. Candle display / 1 candle = 1 month)


Can be considered as the correction of the wave (iii) I asked.

Course History in Monthly Schedule (Record. Candle display / 1 candle = 1 month)


Course History in Monthly Schedule (Record. Candle display / 1 candle = 1 month)

EW-Analyze-China-vs-USA-Chinasoft-vs-Microsoft-In-der Ruhe-lies-die-Kraft-André

The stock began to wave (iii).

Course History in Monthly Schedule (Record. Candle display / 1 candle = 1 month)


To say it again: the new has reached all-time hikes and is connected with the required speed.

Course History in Monthly Schedule (Record. Candle display / 1 candle = 1 month)


Wave iii Is in the sub-waves (i) – (ii) – (iii) – (iv) – (v) Is expected.

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Course History in Monthly Schedule (Record. Candle display / 1 candle = 1 month)


Continuing growing buying interest pushed CHINASOFT further and further up and left the probability of an accepted wave. (iii) The iii To raise.

Course History in Monthly Schedule (Record. Candle display / 1 candle = 1 month)


Inside the stem (iii) There was a police crowd ready for a series of explosions.

Course History in Monthly Schedule (Record. Candle display / 1 candle = 1 month)


When we wander (iii) Unwrapped, then she sat outside the waves i-ii-iii-iv-v Together and wave v Eventually out of the waves 1-2-3-4-5. Here we go to the nitty-gritty, details.

Course History in Monthly Schedule (Record. Candle display / 1 candle = 1 month)


Wave 1 Is developing.


> 3,00 HKD = 95,62 HKD.

Course History in Monthly Schedule (Record. Candle display / 1 candle = 1 month)


Disclosure due to potential discrepancies: At the time of publication of this analysis, the author has not invested in the papers or fundamentals discussed.

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Elliott wave trade with André Tiedje

André Tiedjes Elliott Wave Analysis


The book on Elliott waves is available here: Click here for Elliott Whelan simplification

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