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Exhibition – Impressive work display at Amstettner KIAM Gallery

Exhibition – Impressive work display at Amstettner KIAM Gallery

Created November 28, 2022 | 06:21

Reading time: 2 minutes


City representatives and exhibitors discussed the exhibited works. In addition to the technical possibilities, this show also displays a wide range of content and different forms of expression.

Leopold Kugler

DrUnder Pressure at KIAM Gallery deals with printing techniques in different ways.

Suzanne Schöber, Chair of the Amstetten Art Initiative, explains why prints are so exciting as a medium and a technique as follows: Not only can you display your work in different locations at the same time, but you can also pass on several copies to different collectors and buyers. Typography multiplies and democratizes the artwork without losing any of its uniqueness.

In the exhibition “Under Pressure” at KIAM Gallery, an event as part of Culture Weeks, a good selection of works from related printmaking processes are put together. The stylistic variety of line drawings, woodcuts, screen prints, engravings, and lithographs make a visit to the gallery worthwhile. In addition to the artworks and printmaking workshop founded in 2021 at the train station, works from the archives of the Uferstöckl Rudi Hörschläger printing house will also be on display.

During the opening, Mayor Christian Haberhauer thanked founding president Wilfried Leitner and introduced him to the great development work and commitment to the fine arts.

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