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Faiasalamanda on the road: “I want my own show – as Helene Fischer”

Faiasalamanda on the road: “I want my own show – as Helene Fischer”

Special Correspondent Vayasalamanda visited pop singer Millie Stein at the Kleine Zeitung. The woman from Klagenfurt gave him very personal insights into her musical career and her apartment.

Carinthian accent, entertaining videos and sing-along lyrics: that’s the music of pop singer Millie Stein. Mario Haber, aka Faiasalamanda, told how Klagenfurter lives and what she does besides music. He was at her home for the Kleine Zeitung.

Last year, Millie Stein celebrated her first single, “Frei sein”. Since she also sings in dialect and wears traditional dress while performing, the comparison to Melissa Nashinwing is obvious, however: “Of course it’s a compliment when I’m compared to her. But the dirndl has simply become my trademark and I do it. It’s still my thing. She’s more of a country girl and I’m a girl.” city ​​”. However, she prefers to get inspiration for her songs, which she writes and composes herself, from nature: “When I go for a walk, I get the best ideas, which I then sing into my cell phone.” Millie, whose real name is Melanie Steinwinder and has a 40-hour-a-week desk job, lives for the music. You notice that as you enter the apartment: music booths, lyrics, and newspaper articles about your music career. But what is more than cats – made of wood, ceramics or in pictures.

And by the way: There’s an easter egg in the video, i.e. a hidden reference to a new song by Millie Stein that will be released soon.

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