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Fall Guys – Ultimate Knockout: PS5 Original

Fall Guys – Ultimate Knockout: PS5 Original

So far, “Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout” is only available for PS4 and PC. As the database entry now suggests, in addition to the Xbox consoles and adapter, the PS5 could also be available in 2022.

Fall Guys - Ultimate Knockout: PS5 Original

It looks like the multiplayer hit “Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout” will be expanded to include an original PS5 version. A Twitter post from “PlayStation Game Size” drew attention to this. On Christmas it was discovered that a new generic version had been added to the PlayStation Network database.

PSN database provides a clear indication

The account holder usually discloses upcoming game file sizes. Only recently found out how much storage space is in the leading open world”Forbidden horizon west“And the Soulslike RPG”elden ring“On the PlayStation 5 it will take. But nothing else gets away with it which is interesting in the PSN database. For example, discover one in the summer PS4 von „Demon Spirits” EditionThis, however, was never implemented.

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout was released in August 2020 for PS4 and PC. In a very short time, the extraordinary Battle Royale game has risen to a level The most successful PlayStation Plus title employment. In the meantime, the hype has largely leveled off, but the developers are still busy introducing new content on a regular basis.

The sixth season, which has a festive atmosphere, is currently underway. A mini-game based on Sony’s “Horizon Zero Dawn” was added at the beginning of the month:

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Next year, the color jump should also appear for Xbox consoles, Nintendo Switch, and apparently also for PS5. Once the official information is available, you will find out from us as soon as possible.

More messages about Falling Guys: The Ultimate Knockout.

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