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Falling into the brook area rises to number one

Falling into the brook area rises to number one

The Omikron wave speed is increasing across Austria. The Brooke area is not immune to this either. As of Monday, the seven-day infection rate per 100,000 residents was 630, surpassing St. Paul’s, which had the most cases as of Sunday. This means that the county of Bruck is currently the saddest leader in Lower Austria. In absolute numbers, that means 665 people were newly infected in Brooke County in the past seven days.

According to the district commander Peter Suchanik, this time, there are no large groups that lead to an increase in numbers. “It goes all over the region. The numbers are increasing rapidly,” says the head of the health authority. “The larger communities on the border with Vienna are affected particularly hard, although the vaccination rate there is sometimes very good,” explains Sochanek in response to a request from NÖN That around half of the cases currently occurring are vaccinated. “But then it’s usually only very mild symptoms, if at all,” says Suchanek. “It is feared that the numbers will continue.” sharply rising.”

The real hotspots are located to the west of Austria. For example, on Monday St. Johann im Pongau recorded a seven-day incidence of 3,290 per 100,000 inhabitants.

There have been 12,048 confirmed cases in the Brooke area since the start of the pandemic. Since then, 106 people from the area have died. 79,122 people in the entire district have already been immunized, which corresponds to a vaccination rate of nearly 75 percent. 49,637 people have already taken the 3rd trick. In the next few days, in addition to vaccination centers and residents, there will again be the opportunity to get vaccinated at many of the vaccination bus stops.

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Next immunization bus timings in the area:

January 13, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wolfsthal . Station Square

January 13, 3pm-6pm, Hauptplatz Bruck

January 14, 10am-1pm, Badgasse 20, Sommerein

January 14, 3pm to 6pm, Hauptstraße 33, Berg