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Fans are speculating on the names of the inner icons on Rockstar’s website

Fans are speculating on the names of the inner icons on Rockstar’s website

From Thelo Bayer
The Rockstar website has been temporarily unavailable for a few days – and now GTA 6 investigators are looking for clues.

As long as Rockstar does not follow up with official information about GTA 6, somewhat wild speculation will continue about Part VI, which was confirmed in early February. Maintenance work on the Rockstar website is now causing new speculation.

GTA 6: Detectives in Action

Already made a few days ago [url=Wie%20einige%20von%20euch%20vielleicht%20wissen,%20war%20die%20Rockstar-Website%20heute%20Morgen%20für%20ein%20paar%20Stunden%20%22down%22.%20Als%20sie%20wieder%20normal%20lief,%20habe%20ich%20angefangen,%20die%20Website-Ordner%20mit%20den%20Dev-Tools%20zu%20untersuchen.]One Reddit user drew attention to this[/url]The new order structures were identified after the Rockstar website was down for several hours. For this purpose, the searched folders in such a location were searched using developer tools. What is clear is that there are several folders containing games that have already been announced, such as Red Dead Online and GTA Trilogy. There is also a folder called “sites-gta-gen9” that doesn’t fit easily into the scheme.

Gen 9 mainly refers to the 9th generation video consoles, which started with the release of Microsoft Xbox Series S/X and Sony PS5 in November 2020. This also maintains a good reputation rumor account GTA 6 News/Leaks Don’t stop believing that Rockstar is the website for GTA 6 here. After all, GTA 6 will only be released for PS5 and Xbox Series S | X, although Rockstar has yet to confirm this.

However, this year is also the 25th anniversary of the first Grand Theft Auto, which was released in Europe on October 21, 1997 – also for PCs running MS-DOS / Windows. evolution was [url=Die%20Entwicklung%20wurde%20auf%20dem%20Amiga%20begonnen%20und%20später%20aufgrund%20der%20veralteten%20Technologie%20auf%20dem%20PC%20fortgesetzt.]According to Wikipedia[/url] It started on Amiga and later continued on PC due to old technology. So the computer was the launch pad here. It doesn’t take much imagination to imagine Rockstar using the anniversary to either announce more remakes or remakes – or to give the next GTA a bigger stage in the form of GTA 6. Overall, by the end of March 2025, Rockstar’s mother Take Two had promised 24 games “Immersive Core” (Red Dead, GTA, sports games), 10 indie games from Private Division, 20 mobile games, 7 “mid-core” games and 8 “ports and provinces”.

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