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Federal winner “Jugend forscht” from Osterburg won prizes in America

Federal winner “Jugend forscht” from Osterburg won prizes in America

Anne Marie Bobes, national laureate in physics for “Jugend forscht” 2023, has won two prizes in the US for inventing a turbine to generate static electricity for street lights. He also received a prize money of $3,000. He impressed the jury with a screw-type turbine used to generate constant electricity for street lights.

A participant from Altmark also won an international science competition for students in Los Angeles. Anne Marie Bobes from Osterburg received two prizes totaling $3,000, the “Jugend forscht” foundation in Hamburg announced Tuesday. She was able to convince the jury with Helix robots as an environmentally friendly energy source for street lighting. He used 3D printing to deliver several versions of this helical turbine, which he tested in a wind tunnel.

Popes introduced this screw-type turbine in America. Electricity for street lights can be produced sustainably.
Image rights: MDR/Katharina Häckl

The Altmärker resident traveled to America with a group of 15 prize winners from the “Jugend forscht” competition to the world's most important science school competition. A group of representatives from Berlin, Upper Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg won a total of eight prizes.

More than 1,600 young researchers from 60 countries participated in the competition in Los Angeles.

MDR (Dagmar Borchert, Sebastian Gall)

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