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Felipe of Spain: This is how the Spanish king has changed over the years

Felipe of Spain: This is how the Spanish king has changed over the years

when Felipe VI of Spain (54) He was still young, and the heir to the throne at that time could not save himself from his admirers. After all, the noble, who became king of Spain on June 19, 2014, could also aspire to a career as a model.

Photographs of young Felipe show him as an attractive man with a full head of dark hair and a prominent dark beard.

The beard remained with the king and even the head of hair is still very much present. However, Felipe has changed quite a bit over the years.

Felipe VI, King of Spain, now has a gray beard

Recent photos show the 54-year-old at an event at Madrid’s Palacio de la Zarzuela, where he welcomed a Chilean business organization. As usual, Felipe was elegantly dressed. He appeared in a dark suit with a white shirt and light blue tie. His slim figure is sure to make many men of the same age jealous.

However, the 1.97-meter King could no longer hide his 54 years of age, mainly due to the beard, which had now clearly turned gray. Also Felipe’s hair, is Since 2004 with a former journalist Letizia Spain (49) Now shimmers gray in places.

Felipe VI Spain is still attractive

However, despite these obvious signs of age the father from leonor (16) and Sophia (15) To be satisfied with himself. Felipe VI, King of Spain, remains a charismatic and energetic man. And if at some point the king decided to remove his beard, he would easily turn the wheel of time back ten years.

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