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Feminist deals fatal blow to bullfighting in Gujion

Feminist deals fatal blow to bullfighting in Gujion

Opponents called the mayor’s argument “foolish”, and the breeder, Daniel Ruiz, is also surprised: “Cows are the most important animals on a cattle farm. Bulls get their names from the females of the animals that gave birth to them.” So do feminists and Nigerians who were not explicitly chosen for this bullfight.

Admittedly, socialists had long rallied against what they saw as barbaric leisure. The mayor simply cannot prevent bullfighting. Since this was declared a national cultural asset in 2013, according to the Constitutional Court, only the central state can decide on the ban. However, what the mayor can act on independently is the use of the square. And so I let the contract with the organizers of the bullfighting show expire. The 58-year-old agrees that the city loses 50,000 euros in income annually.

an essential commodity?

The decision breaks waves – not only in the Asturian city. Because bullfighting is always a political issue in Spain. Torero, who has dealt the fatal blows to feminists and Nigerians, is a staunch supporter of the right-wing populist Fox.

The People’s People’s Party was also busy raising the mood. The head of the Madrid region government announced millions in aid to the organizers of bullfighting festivals and called for the value-added tax to be reduced for this sector from 21 to 4 percent. In Spain, this lower rate is only available to economic sectors that produce essential goods or services.

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