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Festival of Thursday – Wachau in real time: words and other longings

Festival of Thursday – Wachau in real time: words and other longings

“For me, art and pleasure go hand in hand.” Someone says he’s been playing in (and with) many genres for years. Which combined art and fun, ten years ago in a small and wonderful festival with an unusual name “Wachau in Real Time”.

This invites you to its eleventh edition this year. And for ten evenings and two afternoons in very special places. Because: “Wachau provides an ideal breeding ground for this symbiosis,” says Ursula Strauss, theater, film and television actress and festival director.

“Borders” “Abandoned”, “Borders being demolished”


Aggstein In The Beginning, Rummy In The Program: Wachau In Real Time, director Ursula Strauss opens the 11th Autumn Festival on October 27 at the Knight’s Hall in Castle Ruins. The title of Romy Schneider’s evening: “Je ne regrette goar nothing,” almost: “I don’t regret goar nothing.”

Daniela Matijcic

There, in Wachau, in the ruins of Aggstein and in Spitz Castle, at Salzstadl Krems and in Melk carpentry workshop, at Kellerschlössl in Dürnstein and with the Lorenz brothers in the former Ultramarine factory in Leiben, in the Baroque vault of the Melker Stift and in the Klangraum der Kremser Minorite Church, is read, Play it, sing it, drive it, dream about it and climb from the end of October to the beginning of December. According to Ursula Strauss, “leaving boundaries” and “breaking barriers.”

The program features Romy Schneider, James Joyce, Stefan Zweig, Leo Tolstoy, HC Artmann, Franzobel and Nava Ebrahimi. The guest list includes actresses Dagmar Bernhard, Maxi Blaha or Nicole Butler, violinist Alicia Pease, pianist Dorothy Khadem Messag, Gutenstein director Johannes Kreich and his wife or stage star Erwin Steinhauer and his loved ones, along with festival director Ursula Strauss.

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In addition to the words, there are sounds from Klezmer to Greco and from Schubert to Rachmaninoff. Also on the Wachau real-time program: 2 church tours with Faßdaubenquartett (and Norbert Hauer) in Sankt Blasien, a cultural trip to the “Black Unicorns” and a longing trip to far (sea) beaches.