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Financial assistance: Korneuburg and Stockerau increase heating subsidies

Financial assistance: Korneuburg and Stockerau increase heating subsidies

Electricity and gas prices are on the rise, hitting especially hard those who have to settle for little money. That’s why people now in Kornenberg and Stokerau have decided to help.

Region | The city of Kornoburg | stokera. In the capital of the region, for example, the cost of heating subsidies will be increased – there are now four graded amounts, depending on the income in question, the subsidy for the next year will be paid from January 1, 2023. By the way, it is possible to apply for it from October 17, the deadline ends Final at the end of the year. Korneuburg also spent about 15,000 euros for the overall increase.
Also in Lenaustadt Stockerau, it was decided at the last town council meeting to increase the heating cost subsidy. Instead of the previous 150 euros, there will be 300 euros in the future.

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