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Find out why your autonomic nervous system makes decisions without you at My Health Congress in Zurich

pts20221011006 Medicine / Wellness & Culture / Lifestyle

Trauma, fight, flight, affection – the vagus nerve is involved in everything

Jörg Fuhrmann (Photo: Spiraldynamik®)

Jörg Fuhrmann (Photo: Spiraldynamik®)

Zurich (pts006/10/11/2022/06:45) –

Jörg Fuhrmann on the new possibilities of interpersonal therapy in therapy and everyday life – from multifaceted theory to therapy…

Who doesn’t know – the sudden feeling of nausea in your stomach when danger approaches. This internal alarm system is closely related to the vagus nerve. Nature has cleverly prepared it: the autonomic nervous system (that’s why it is called that) decides in critical situations with lightning speed and without the cerebral cortex: danger or safety, enemy or friend, shock or fight.

The Polyvagal theory It is assumed on the basis of neuroanatomical findings that the vagus nerve consists of two relatively different parts.

The back and front reduces stress, provides rejuvenation, strengthens the immune system or invites you to sexual activity. However, in the case of overwhelming experiences, it completely shuts down the system – leading to dissociation, depersonalization until shock hardening, liberation from pain and loss of consciousness.

The front and relatively newer part ensures a calm heartbeat, present presence, floating interest, authentic communication, relaxed facial expressions and gestures, empathy and a sense of connectedness – which is why this tape is also referred to as the “vague social branch”.

Jörg Foremann He explains at my health conference on November 12, 2022 how to vagus nerve It works according to the latest findings (polyvagal theory) and what are the resulting potential applications for every dayThe physical therapy practice and trauma treatment result:

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The vagus nerve and its survival strategy
Why did I not resist? Guilt feelings later arise from helplessness.
and now? Melt old patterns, create new life energy
Looking ahead: strengthening the vagus nerve

note: Levin’s Somatic Trauma Experience (SET) therapy builds on Stefan Burg’s research on Polyvagal Theory: in other words, Polyvagal Theory provides a basic neural understanding of a variety of forms of therapy.

YouTube interview with Jörg Formann:

More multifaceted theory here:

Participation in my health conference
My Health Conference – From Stress to Inner Stillness is being held in Zurich at Kongresshaus and as an online streaming. Participation costs 280 Swiss francs | 250 EUR

Link- My Health – Annual Conference 2022 – Zurich

For registration and tickets

Text: Christian Larsen, MD, author and co-founder of Spiraldynamik® (September 2022)

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