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Finland: An uproar over Marine .’s second-party video

Finland: An uproar over Marine .’s second-party video

A mobile video clip showed Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin dancing at a private party – the Scandinavian country has been discussing a second film since this weekend. The 36-year-old can be seen dancing at a club in Helsinki with Finnish singer Olavi Uusivirta (39). The two continue to touch each other’s shoulders and thighs.

For a brief moment, the musician leaned forward as if to whisper something in her ear. Some want to recognize a kiss on the neck inside – even if it is not clearly visible.

‘Privacy’: Marin does not want to comment on the video in detail

At a press conference about the debate in Helsinki yesterday, Marin said she did not remember being kissed on the neck. She thinks Osivirta wanted to tell her something. “I think these things are part of my personal life. I’m not going to comment on them in detail,” Marin said, adding that she doesn’t think anything inappropriate is going on in the video.

Uusivirta also commented on the recording yesterday via Instagram. “There has been general speculation about the nature of the relationship between me and Prime Minister Sanna Marin. All I can say is that we are friends and nothing inappropriate has happened between us.”

The first video caused a behavioral controversy

The first party video, which showed Marin dancing with several friends at a private party, sparked debate in Finland – particularly on social media – about the prime minister’s public appearance and a possible violation of her official duties.

It also relates to the question of whether the head of government should have an official representative during the celebration a few weeks ago, as she said that she drank alcohol. Not long ago, Marin said she came back early from her vacation to get an appointment. Therefore, according to the government, no representation has been set for the day in question.

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