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Fire risk in Tesla’s solar roof: Stock exchange supervision

Fire risk in Tesla’s solar roof: Stock exchange supervision

US Securities and Exchange Commission SEC He has investigations against Tesla I started. Power reaction to tip: The US electric car maker should Solarspart For years, it has not properly informed its shareholders and the public about the risks of fire in faulty photovoltaic systems, according to a letter from the SEC.

In the past, concerns about defects in Tesla’s solar systems have been publicized several times. Now there is also the first official investigation by the exchange regulator.

Fires in many supermarkets

The investigation is moving forward, the SEC wrote on September 24 to former Tesla employee Stephen Hincks, who filed a complaint with the authority on the matter in 2019. A representative of the Securities and Exchange Commission told the former employee, that the letter should not be understood as a reference to Violation of the law. Tesla did not respond to a query from Reuters and the Securities and Exchange Commission declined to comment.

In recent years, there have been frequent complaints about defective electronic parts in Tesla solar systems. For example, Walmart Tesla sued in 2019 because defects were said to have led to fires in 7 stores. The two companies agreed to a settlement.

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