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Floridsdorf: Learning and Teaching Center

Floridsdorf: Learning and Teaching Center

(C) BV 21: In
(C) BV 21: The founding of Floridsdorfer’s second company, Bildungsgrätzl, was celebrated at the “Franklinstrasse Education Mile”.

Floridsdorf looks back at its young citizens: 65 boys and girls began their new and exciting phase of life in March at the new municipal kindergarten in Leopolden-Badurik-Strasse 13 – in the fall the show will be expanded and the site will then be 125 when they are fully operational. A large garden with space to play and play sports complements the great atmosphere. “This is a very good place to learn, but also to feel good,” said responsible city councilor Christoph Federker during his visit to Floridsdorf.

“Effective in us”

In addition, the founding of the second Floridsdorfer Bildungsgrätzl was celebrated at the “Franklinstrasse Education Mile”. The Effective In Us Motto: Children, teens, young adults and teachers learn with and from each other here in a variety of institutions. Particular attention is paid to mental health and physical activity.

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