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Föhn brings summer heat to Salzburg

Föhn brings summer heat to Salzburg

Details: The effect of high pressure on Monday will lead to extensive sunny weather, according to the forecasts of the Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG), cumulus clouds will remain mostly harmless. The wind shifts from the southeast to the south and recovers partly, moderately and frontally. Morning temperatures range between ten and 17 degrees, and daily maximum temperatures range between 25 and 32 degrees.

Fohn collapses

On Tuesday, Austria lies at the front of a low slope over France in a southwesterly current under the supply of hot air masses, but the next cold front can already be observed in the west. Tuesday starts sunny in many places. As the foehn collapses in the west, clouds will soon appear as well as individual showers and thunderstorms. Maximum daily temperatures in Salzburg drop to around 25 degrees.

Heavy clouds and rain

On Wednesday, thick clouds often dominate from Vorarlberg through Salzburg to western Lower Austria, and it rains frequently throughout the day. The temperatures hardly reach 20 degrees.

On Thursday, the weather will be unstable under the influence of low air pressure. In the western half you have to reckon with frequent showers with a mixture of little sunshine and many thick clouds.

The sun seldom appears

It is similar on the last working day of the week: on Friday there is a depression over the eastern alpine region, especially in the western half, with thick clouds, causing heavy rain. It is also raining heavily in some places. In the eastern half, in addition to thick clouds, the sun appears at least from time to time. However, rain and thunderstorms are expected again and again into the evening. It stays sunny and drier for the longest time than east Tyrol.

The wind comes from west to northeast and blows moderately, in the Föhntal valleys on the southern side of the Alps are also lively. From today’s perspective, temperatures in Salzburg rise to just over 20 degrees.

(Those: APA)

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