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For gourmets only: our superfood

For gourmets only: our superfood

our school NAAS Technical School Participate in the project climate school bit.

Among the many focal points, such as eco-tours, flea markets, bagging machines or making yogurt without electricity, is NAAS Technical School at home Breeding oyster mushrooms Excellent.

Because these mushrooms have a very firm and tough flesh, they are ideal for processing and students really like them, so that they are usually sold out after a short time at the lunch buffet.

Mushrooms need moisture, so a small house was built under the expert guidance of the teacher, where the humidifier guarantees 85% humidity.
The mushrooms are mixed with moistened straw pellets and cultivated in vacuum washed plastic buckets with vent holes.

If all conditions are right, you can harvest after 4 weeks. After 3 harvesting waves, the bucket is harvested and the substrate is disposed of in organic waste.
A week ago, school was held open day It happened and visitors were excited about this form of food procurement.

Rose mushrooms are new to the group. As is known, mushrooms are rich in vitamins, low in calories and make a great addition to our diet. Students learn how to grow these mushrooms at home without much effort Nass Vocational School.


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