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Founders deceived the black after tough negotiations ·

Anyone who dares to go to the “lion’s den” must, of course, strive to invest it. A little willingness to compromise is also allowed, otherwise everyone will end up empty.

Four founders from Berlin have invested a lot of heart and soul, not the least of which is a large sum of money in developing an app that helps children with ADHD or any other psychological stress to relax. So it’s good that Felix Knoller, Jan Uchil, Tillman Wiener, and Simon Sinkel started it, but now they also want to monetise their product.

at ‘Lair of lions’ They met with open ears with their “Aumio” invention, almost everyone wanted to join in, but not on the required terms. They wanted to fight for 150,000 euros to get 10 percent of their company shares, but Carsten Mashmeyer & Co. weren’t happy with that. They wanted a higher percentage and made counter offers on their part. Unfortunately, though, they cut granite.

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The founders remain strict and reject all offers

After the presentation, including the Everyone’s Meditation exercise, Karsten Machmeyer and Nils Glago together offered the € 150,000 needed, but wanted 20 percent of the company’s stock in return. The founders refuse. 12 percent is the maximum they can deliver. Then the two raised their bid to 200,000 euros, but that didn’t suit the gentlemen either. Then Dagmar Wöhrl intervened and, in a merger with Carsten Maschmeyer, offered 150,000 euros for 15 percent of the company’s shares, but the offer was also rejected, although there was only a 3 percent difference in the room.

After one of the longest-running games in the show’s history, Carsten Maschmeyer ended the bargain. The founders think a lot about percentages, which is why he finally pulled his bid. It was a big mistake the four companies made, but so be it. Niels Glago went better and said he feels offended now. Berliners responded that they no longer had the feeling that they were working on a common goal.

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Whoever is to blame for one of the toughest and ultimately unsuccessful negotiations in show history, everyone has to decide for themselves. Many fans of “Die Höhle der Löwen” had already formed a clear opinion at this point and posted it on Twitter. This is an example:

In these cases, negotiations turned out to be easier. In the Video You will find eight most popular products from the show.

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You can see which products entered Season 9 and who can look to invest in our public offering All Products and Deals from “Die Höhle der Löwen” 2021. The show is currently running every Monday at 8:15 PM on VOX.