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France is moving towards mandatory electronic invoicing – and Comarch has been adopted as its PDP

France is moving towards mandatory electronic invoicing – and Comarch has been adopted as its PDP

As France, like many other European countries, is moving towards a purely electronic invoicing system, Comarch has received certification there as a registered private platform for electronic invoicing. Going forward, the Krakow-based company will be able to support French companies during the pilot phase of mandatory electronic invoices in 2025.

AKP certificate

PDP certificate or Private registered platform certificate It is an official recognition granted in France to electronic invoicing platforms that Legal standards for processing electronic invoices Completely. This certification ensures that the platform is able to process electronic invoices securely and efficiently, while meeting French legal requirements. For platforms like Comarch, obtaining PDP certification means they are ready to support companies in the mandatory stages of electronic invoicing, Including the next pilot in 2025 and full implementation by 2026 and 2027.

“With our newly acquired PDP certification, Comarch is well placed to support companies in the field of electronic invoicing in France and abroad. Comarch E-Invoicing ensures compliance with e-invoicing regulations in over 60 countries around the world. “By improving operational efficiency, protecting sensitive data, and simplifying billing processes, we help companies around the world stay ahead of regulatory changes.”

The electronic invoicing landscape in France

In France, electronic invoicing is being gradually introduced across the corporate sector as part of a digital transformation strategy.Since 2020 Large companies and public sector suppliers need this Invoices electronically Via the central office Choir Platform Pro Submit and receive.

The mandate of e-invoicing is now being expanded to include the B2B sector, initially to measuring and Medium enterprises by 2026 Finally it arrives All businesses, regardless of size, by 2027. The goal of this transformation is to increase efficiency, reduce administrative costs, and improve the validity and accuracy of financial transactions. Companies have to Meet stringent technical and legal requirements, including use of structured data formats and adherence to defined submission protocols.

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The system is designed to simplify invoicing, provide greater transparency and support tax compliance.

How will Comarche support France in introducing electronic invoicing?

Comarch will support France in its transition to electronic invoicing by deploying its PDP-certified platform to enable seamless electronic processing of invoices. This solution has been designed to meet the legal requirements and technical standards required by the French authorities, reducing the risk of penalties and minimizing manual errors. It can also protect sensitive financial data with advanced security features. This support is crucial in France's path towards widespread adoption of the electronic invoicing system.