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Frederick Merz is the new president of the Christian Democratic Union

Frederick Merz is the new president of the Christian Democratic Union

About 240,000 out of 400,000 (64.31 percent) took the opportunity to select the next party leader – and their choice was clear: Frederick Merz. On the third attempt, the 66-year-old managed to win and is the new president of the CDU.

After the disaster of the federal election, Christian Socialists want to reposition themselves as the opposition party.

The former Union faction leader, the Mers, remains beloved by the Conservatives and the business wing. His supporters hope he will return to a clear, conservative picture that then-chancellor and CDU leader Angela Merkel hasn’t missed. The new CDU chief has several tasks.

It is expected, for example, that he would reposition the party headquarters at the Adenauerhaus. This should lay the basis for action in opposition within the party. In addition to reorganizing staff for the entire party leadership at the online party conference in January, one of the new party leader’s most important tasks will likely include content-related profiling of the CDU. Internally, too, in terms of the election campaign, the party appeared poor in content after 16 years of Merkel’s presence in the Chancellery.

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