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Friedhelm Funkel could imagine a consulting job at 1. FC Köln

Friedhelm Funkel could imagine a consulting job at 1. FC Köln

Friedhelm Funkel can imagine staying with 1. FC Köln in an advisory capacity after his job as coach ends at the end of the season. Funkel explained this to Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger.

“If this was wanted at some point, I wouldn’t ignore it,” Funkel said. “It is important that there are people on the boards who have a background in football.”

After his successes on RB Leipzig (2: 1) and in FC Augsburg (3: 2), Funkel is confident to stay on top. His team is currently in 16th relegation after 31 days of matches, and “the two victories now have benefited the team,” said Funkel. Two more wins in the last three matches “may suffice, but that is not certain”.

Meanwhile, according to media information, the club management is increasingly trying to find a successor to Fonkell. Such as picture Reports said sporting director Horst Hilde was meeting Peter Stoger in Vienna at the weekend. The Austrian had coached the club from 2013 to 2017, and led him to the German League and European Cup.

Stogger has tested positive for the Coronavirus

But the meeting did not take place. “I tested positive for the Coronavirus on Friday morning with a quick test. Now the PCR test is being done. I’m fine, I don’t have any symptoms, but Horst can’t come now of course,” Stogger told the newspaper. Anziger

Now Heldt and the Austrian soccer guru are supposed to roughly exchange ideas on Sunday. Stöger: “I’d love to hear all this. Of course, the conditions have to be right – even in relegation. Of course we all hope that FC stays in the Bundesliga. Things are looking good at the moment. Let’s see what they do as a result of the conversations.”

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