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From 1 April: Restaurant “Hotte” serves German snacks next to the Uniwash facility

From 1 April: Restaurant “Hotte” serves German snacks next to the Uniwash facility

On the first Saturday of April, Horst Buettner will open a new snack bar on the former site of the “Mannis Imbiss Treff”. Currywurst, Coburg sausage, and more are served.

Fallsberg. It is a popular meeting place in the south of Wolfsberg: after Manfred Sternad put “Mannis Imbiss Treff” up for sale next to the Uniwash car wash in Südtangente due to a professional relocation, a new owner has now been found: Horst Büttner will open on April 1st at this point. Xxx Snack Curry Worst Meal.

20 years of experience in gastroenterology

“I moved to Twimberg with my partner Nicole about a year ago because of Franconia in Germany because of the job,” says the new owner. “Before that, I had to run discos and restaurants in Germany for 20 years. After moving, I worked in factories for a while, but soon realized that it wasn’t for me. I wanted to start my own business again and this snack bar was the perfect opportunity.” “.


Bratwurst winner

As the name suggests, typical German snacks are served, above all the classic curry, which is refined with a homemade sauce. But there are also some other specialties, such as Coburg sausage. “This sausage wins every barbecue competition in Germany,” Haute assures.

“reasonable prices”

Something to try are definitely the 30cm long shashlik skewers with liver and Käsebockwurst. Püttner also prides itself on its homemade sausage salad. “We get most of the ingredients for our dishes from Germany because they don’t exist in this country,” says the owner, who wants to offer a tasty alternative to the surrounding fast food restaurants. “Reasonable food at affordable prices,” is how their motto sums up.

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Nicole enters

“Hotte” is actively supported by his partner Nicole Junfer. “Especially with technical things, I have to help out a lot,” laughs Nicole, who works full time as a nurse at the shelter.

Open daily

XXL Currywurst Imbiss is open daily from 9am to 10pm. The range of dishes must be constantly expanded, for example with a weekly special change. The 24 hour drink machine in the outdoor area is still running.