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From Baroque to Classical music – song recitation at the highest level

From Baroque to Classical music – song recitation at the highest level

The art and culture platform Aschbach 361° has achieved a dramatic coup on the society’s anniversary (1,200 years). The Cultural Association, signed by Peter Hofmeier and Alois Eichberger, has successfully brought the world-famous mezzo-soprano Angelika Kirschlager and the famous organist Robert Lehrbaumer to Aschbach.

With the program titled “Liederreise,” which included vocals and organ in the first part and vocals and piano in the second part, they dazzled the crowded parish church with titles from the Baroque to the Romantic and Classical eras with famous songs by J. S. Bach, Antonin Dvořák, Franz Schubert, and Johannes Brahms. .

“There Is Joy” by JS Bach was the remarkable beginning of a lyrical journey through familiar things that you had never heard before in this impressive form and interpretation. The simple beauty of the singing and the captivating accompaniment on organ and piano made this evening a celebration of joy. “Awake, the voice is calling us” by Bach, “Hail Maria” by Caccini/Vavilov, “Be still and wait for the Lord” by Mendelssohn-Bartholdi, from the oratorio “Elias” and “Inflammation and Pain” by Dvořák from “Stabat”. “Mater” was impressively and attractively interpreted in the first half of the concert.

With the “Impromptu E-flat major” and the songs “Wandering is the Müller’s Lust” and “Heidenröslein” a wonderful style of Schubert’s music was created. These interpretations, with their precise phrasing and perfectly supported piano, have reached people’s hearts. The arrangements of Brahms’ popular songs such as “Down in the Tale” and “Sandman” are convincingly executed in terms of content and interpretive consistency.
Great enthusiasm for a journey with great singing and great accompaniment.

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