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Galaxies: A Close Pair of Black Holes

Galaxies: A Close Pair of Black Holes

The discovery was made purely by chance when a team led by Ana Trindade Falcao of the Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Examine images of the galaxy MCG-03-34-064which shows the high-energy radiation of doubly ionized oxygen. MCG-03-34-064 is a Seyfert-type island world, meaning it has a particularly bright core region whose characteristic radiation comes primarily from hot material flowing around the central black hole. In this core region, three of the four diffraction crosses typical of HST appear a short distance apart, indicating three very bright but roughly point-shaped light sources. The diffraction crosses are created by the diffraction of light on the four-beam holder of Hubble’s secondary mirror. Since such a dense accumulation is unusual, Falcao’s team also evaluated data from the Chandra X-ray satellite to get to the heart of the matter.