The Redmagic 6S Pro gaming smartphone with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 processor named Soc will be available from September 27 with prices starting at 599 euros. The SoC is cooled by a built-in fan, which can also be seen working with the “Ghost” variant, since the case of this type of smartphone is transparent.
Redmagic 6S Pro gaming smartphone
As a true gaming smartphone in this country – as well as suitable models anyway due to the SoC and high screen refresh rate – above all Asus ROG Phone (current model: 5S) be known An interesting and relatively inexpensive gaming smartphone also comes from China, the Redmagic 6S from the manufacturer Nubia. As Golem has now reported, Nubia has now introduced the Redmagic 6S ProWhich can be understood as a kind of update or upgrade variant of the non-professional version. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 SoC, which is already in the regular Redmagic 6S, is again cooled by a fan in the Pro version – fans are quite a rarity on smartphones. Active cooling aims to prevent the SoC from overheating, which can lead to a decrease in performance. The case of the “Ghost” variant, which costs an additional 30 euros, is partially transparent – so ventilation can also be observed in the work.
In terms of RAM, the smartphone will offer 12 or 16 GB, depending on the choice, and 128 or 256 GB for permanent storage. The battery has a capacity of 5050 mAh. A 6.8-inch AMOLED screen with a resolution of 2400 x 1080 pixels, with a refresh rate of 60-165 Hz, touch-sensitive sensors for controlling the game are located on the back of the case, which should be mentioned among the components directly necessary for games . On Redmagic 6S Pro official website A sort of countdown timeline can be seen, in which a discount for registered interested parties, an early order offer, raffle winners and a release planned for September 27 can be seen. Prices are 599 euros for the 12 GB version and 699 euros for the 16 GB version. The latter is also available in the aforementioned Ghost version for €729.
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