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Germany wants to replace the head of cybersecurity because of Russia’s contacts

Germany wants to replace the head of cybersecurity because of Russia’s contacts

According to several media reports, Arne Schönbohm, head of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), is likely to lose his position soon. The reason: his close contacts with an association he co-founded – with connections to Russia.

According to the “Cyber ​​Security Council Germany”, co-founded by Schönbohm, since 2020 “interested in trade“Also one of the members who allegedly sells IT security software ‘Made in Germany’. But in fact, a Russian company is behind it. The company was founded by a former KGB man. Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the man the Medal of Honor.”

‘Cyberclown’ fallen from grace?

He is referred to as the “Internet Clown”. ZDF satirist Jan Böhmermann and his team BSI chief when they discovered the connection. Since then, German Interior Minister Nancy Fraser (Social Democratic Party) is said to have withdrawn her confidence in Arne Schönbaum. Officially, the ministry will not confirm or deny this. At the request of “Mirror“It was said that the matter is currently under investigation ‘exactly’.” All options on how to handle the situation are being examined now.”

The Schönbaum Club has been criticized for years. When he was appointed in 2015, the Home Office was said to have repeatedly distanced itself from the lobby. In 2019, the Russian rapprochement with the German Cyber ​​Security Council was publicly condemned. Schönbaum is said to have made sure his staff did not appear in public with club members.

The word of the association is certified by the ministry

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He didn’t notice it himself. It wasn’t until September that the head of the BSI gave a speech marking the 10th anniversary and described the association as a “stimulating and exchange platform”. Schönbaum gave up running the association years ago and appears to have secured himself before giving the speech. Secretary of State Nancy Fraser agreed with the letter.