Fjord already operates more than 40 studios around the world.
Accenture Interactive is expanding its services and consulting services in Austria through the design and innovation consultancy agency Fjord. As a global agency, Fjord already owns more than 40 studios around the world. In the recently relocated interactive studio at the Vienna Stock Exchange, Fjord’s international team of service, business and user experience designers are now working on developing virtual and real service experiences, as well as designing new and innovative products and services.
The team is led by Chris Bunke, who, as Managing Director and Group Director, is also responsible for Fjord Studios in Germany. The agency’s range of services ranges from digital product development to strategic consulting with design approaches to innovations, business transformation and internal reorganization. International customers include Generali, Velux and VW Group. In Austria, the first clients from the finance, telecom and life sciences sectors are already sponsored.
Comprehensive Experience Solutions
“Also in Austria, we see a growing need for end-to-end experience solutions that go beyond the customer experience and improve customer touchpoints – we call this ‘experience business.’ With Fjord we can also include business design and services under the umbrella of Accenture Interactive International’s expertise and a local team: with the team of service designers. New from Fjord, we are rethinking and redesigning services, products and processes by applying design methods – ranging from consulting and product design to developing innovation and digitalization strategies for teams and organizations”, says Markus Hofinger, General Manager of Accenture Interactive Austria.
“In addition to Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich and Zurich, Vienna is another milestone of the DACH region’s expansion strategy. Our service design approach combines interaction and commercial and visual design into exploratory strategic projects, virtual and real service experiences, and organizational design for innovation-driven people and customer-focused teams. Böhnke adds. (red)
“Total coffee aficionado. Travel buff. Music ninja. Bacon nerd. Beeraholic.”
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