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Good for business, good for the environment.  » Leaders Net

Good for business, good for the environment. » Leaders Net

BEST COMMUNICATIONS: With the wegfinder app, ÖBB’s business clients have environmentally friendly and stress-free mobility under complete control at all times.

Not only to start a good business, but also to master the first and last steps to success, the right combination is crucial. ÖBB, as the largest mobility services provider (and also the largest climate protection company) in the country, is dedicated to this mission: with wegfinder for Business, we not only accompany you on the path to increased employer attractiveness, improved CO2 balance and cost savings. We want Operational mobility management revolution.

That’s why there are alternative mobility services at important intersections to complement local public transport, which are available with the app Route finder They can be located, booked and managed in a user-friendly way: this means that different sharing offers such as car-sharing cars, e-scooters, e-bikes and e-bikes are available for continued travel and form tailor-made mobility chains that can be easily accessed digitally.

The future of business travel

With the Route finder application And the corresponding management tool ÖBB Business Clients The future of mobility is already under complete control. While employees use a variety of mobility services as part of their… Business trips Administrators can book, and administrators can always monitor the corresponding costs and CO2 savings via the management tool. Our regional area Key account managers He will be happy to support you in your first steps.

Eco-friendly incentive is also included: with private use Mobility budget Not only do you create incentives for green mobility – you also position yourself as an attractive employer that values ​​sustainability and employee satisfaction. The employee himself decides which mobility services the budget will be used for. Not only does the company specify the amount, but it also benefits from clear billing and CO2 reporting via the management tool.

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All information: Route finder for business

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