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Great concert – Boesdorf: musical diversity

Great concert – Boesdorf: musical diversity

Corsund Winviertel Party

Chorklang Weinviertel presented its wonderful musical diversity in concert.

Werner Kraus

DrThe sound of the Weinviertel Choir brought a wide musical range from Udo Jürgens to Cellar Alley songs in front of a full hall.

In front of the sold-out hall at the Reichensteinhof, Johan Valle welcomed guests on behalf of the Weinviertel Chorklang. Vali stressed, “Your visit and applause are the biggest thanks to our weekly training.” He was also able to welcome Mayor Josef Fürst, Member of State Parliament Manfred Schulz, State Vice-President for Senior Citizens of Lower Austria Richard Hartenbach and District Presidents Maria Reznicek, Ernst Janda and Josef Studini among the guests.

The musical spectrum ranged from songs by Udo Jürgen to La Montanara and Hubert von Goisern. Also included are the songs “Weinviertel” by Hermine Lukschanderl and Kellergassenlieder and “Ein guates Gfühl” by Birgitte Piech. The ten men in the chorus sang the declaration of love “But you only exist once for me.” Choir Director Birgitte Piech is very proud of her choir of nearly 40 people, which once again gave an excellent performance. Ave Maria Glöcklein and “I Belong to Myself Only” from the musical Elisabeth were two solo pieces by the choral director. In conclusion, the choir sang some songs with the singing audience. President Kurt Sramek thanked all the singers, especially Choir Director Birgitte Piech for their joint work and the joy of singing.

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