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“Green batteries” for storing electricity –

“Green batteries” for storing electricity –


Burgenland wants to become climate neutral by 2030 and be as independent as possible from energy supplies. So the state is now working with Burgenland Energie and German battery maker cmblu to develop and test new electricity storage systems.

Storage should be carried out without metals, without rare raw materials, without explosives – that is, “green batteries”. A cooperation agreement was signed on Monday. “We are on the line from development to production to manufacturing, and we are looking for development partners,” explains Peter Geigle of CMBlu Energy AG.

Burgenland Energy is now this development and sales partner. Wind and solar energy storage options are being explored in order to free oneself from dependence on oil and gas. It costs 400 million euros a year. “A small portion, a quarter of that, would be enough to make Burgenland energy self-sufficient using this storage technology we see here today,” says Stefan Sharma, CEO of Burgenland Energie.

Hans-Peter Doskozel with Stephan Sharma and representatives of cmblu


The country is working with Burgenland Energie and Germany’s CMblu

Burgenland storage issue may have been resolved

In theory, the entire Burgenland storage facility could be accommodated in a large hall. This year the first storage facility will be practically tested in the Oberbollendorf region. “If this step is successful, we will be able to create storage capacity of up to 500 megawatts in Burgenland by 2025. Which will later mean that we have solved the storage problem in Burgenland,” said Governor Hans-Peter Doskozel (SPÖ9.40).

Burgenland Energie is expected to start the new storage technology with a fast charging option for electric cars in Steinberg-Dörfl (Oberpullendorf).

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