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Hackfest 2022: Your Ideas Wanted

Hackfest 2022: Your Ideas Wanted

For the fourth time, Digitec Galaxus’ product and business development staff are coming together for an intense three-day coding session. Your ideas can also enter this year’s challenge.

Code as you wish. Hundreds of Digitec Galaxus employees will be in the Zurich offices from July 5-7, in programming. There are no limits to creativity at Hackfest.

Over the course of three days, more than twenty teams try to solve a variety of challenges. These can be new features for our online stores or in-house used software – the motto is: Learn, Experiment, Enjoy.

The event is being held for the fourth time. But unlike the last two editions, this year the hack festival will once again be held at the site. Which pleases the organizing committee (OK).

Do you have any ideas for us?

Ideas for “challenges” come from different directions. This year also from the community. At least that’s what Tobias Coyle, our Head of Product and User Experience, hopes: “It would be great to send an idea or another of the feedback to the team as a challenge.”

What kind of challenges should our hackers face? Is there something in our online stores that you would like to change or are missing? Write us your idea in the comments – who knows, maybe it will find its way to Hackfest and later to our online stores.

If you want to know what happened at hackfest and if an idea from the community got into the challenges, take a look at «behind the scenes» in our magazine. We’ll report on your awesome programming adventure.

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