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Hans Dehanic is 65 years old!

Hans Dehanic is 65 years old!

Hans “Hansi” Dehanich was born on October 24, 1958 in Eisenstadt. At the age of 10, he joined the youth team of ASKÖ Klingenbach, and from there he moved to Wiener Austria in 1978 for 50,000 shillings. Originally slated to be Robert Sara’s successor at right-back, Dehanic was mostly used in midfield under coach Eric Hoff. In his first three seasons, he celebrated three championship titles, as well as a successful debut for the Austrian national team on 8 October 1980 (3-1 against Hungary).

(Intermezzo in Innsbruck).

With the Violets, Hans Dehanjic achieved his greatest success to date at club level under Venzel Halama in 1983 when he reached the European Cup semi-finals (3:5 aggregate score against Real Madrid), but he quickly fell out of favor with the Czech coach. He left for the 1983/1984 season to Innsbruck, where he docked with SSW. In August 1984, Dehanić returned to the Violet team due to convincing performances, and celebrated with him two more championship titles. In 1987 he moved to GAK.

Back as a coach

In eight seasons with Austria, Dehanic played 283 matches in which he scored 16 goals. He participated in ten matches with the national team between 1980 and 1984.

After his active career, Dehanić became a coach at ASKÖ Klingenbach. From 2001 to 2005 he returned to his living room and worked as an assistant coach for Didi Constantini, Walter Schachner, Christoph Daum and Joachim Loew, among others. From January 2009 to May 2010 he looked after the Austrian Amateur.

All the best, Hansi!

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