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Hedwig François-Kettner’s Cross of Merit | healthy city of berlin

Hedwig François Kettner, former Director of Nursing at the Charité, received the Cross of Merit on the ribbon.

The 64-year-old was honored by Federal President Joachim Gauck for her lifelong commitment and “outstanding contribution to improving the quality of the healthcare system”.

Hedwig François Kettner received the Cross of Merit on the ribbon as part of the German Day of Care from the Senator for Health in Berlin, Mario Zaga.

Born in Bitburg and trained as a nurse, she was one of the youngest nursing directors in Germany when she became Head of Nursing at the former Stieglitz University Hospital in 1983. After the merger of the University Clinics in Berlin in 2003, she took charge of 4,100 nursing staff as Director of Nursing at Charity Berlin .

The focus has always been on patient safety

A.D. Karl Max Einhaubel, CEO of Charité, congratulated the former Director of Nursing on the award: “Hedwig François-Kettner has succeeded in representing the interests of the nursing staff and further developing the profession with equal commitment. Patient orientation and patient safety were of particular importance to her and made her known beyond the confines of university medicine in Berlin. In discussions, I have always been impressed by her high level of professionalism, knowledge of health policy, and negotiation skills.”

The foundation of the Association of Nursing Directors of German University Hospitals dates back to the Hedwig François-Kettner initiative. She has served and participates on several committees, such as the German Nursing Council Presidium, the Patient Safety Procedures Alliance, and the Steering Committee of the German Network for the Advancement of Quality in Nursing.

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François Kettner: One of the goals was to improve care

Senator Zaga Health acknowledges the commitment of Hedwig François Kettner. “A trained nurse intervenes at an early stage and always aggressively, always with the aim of improving the quality of care. Thanks to her, the quality of care in Germany has improved significantly.” François Kettner has always worked to improve the condition of patients and people in need of care.

Putting your hands on your lap is not for a 64-year-old. She is currently campaigning in the Allianz Nursing Room in Berlin to set up a Nursing Room.

Pictured: Christian Litzman