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Hinteregger is interested in new Austria coach Michael Wimmer

Hinteregger is interested in new Austria coach Michael Wimmer

When Wiener Austria introduced Michael Wimmer as their new coach this week, it was a blank slate for many (Michael Wimmer’s Inaugural Speech >>>).

The 42-year-old German has so far worked as an assistant coach at FC Augsburg and VfB Stuttgart.

In Augsburg, Wimmer worked as an assistant coach to Manuel Baum. In this job, he also had Martin Hinterger under his wing in 2018. The Carinthian, who is now in pre-retirement, praises the supervisor in his book “cron columnIn the highest tones.

“Austria is getting a great guy”

“Austria is getting a great guy!” Hinti is for Austria fans. “I was very excited to see who would get Austria Wien out of his hat as the new coach. Of course, I knew everything that happened around Manfred Schmid and his transfer, and I was very curious to see who could do it better than him.”

“When I heard Michael Wimmer’s name, I had to smile a lot. On the one hand, I was very happy that he got the chance to coach Austria, and on the other hand I remembered our time at FC Augsburg,” which at the time was getting on well with Wimmer – even better than his superiors.

“He was Manuel Baum’s assistant coach at the time and he was very important to me because the coach was very far away from the players and Michie, as a friend, was our first point of contact. I had very good discussions with him every day, we have many common approaches, I saw him as a head coach in that time “.

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Wimmer ‘Not an Ordinary German’

According to Hinteregger, Wimmer is also “not an ordinary German. He’s just different, I immediately noticed that this is not someone who thinks Austrians are just good skaters and he has to explain football to us. As a Bavarian, he only understands Austrians.”

Hinteregger predicts that Wimmer will want to play a similar attacking style in future favorites, as Stuttgart did with Pellegrino Matarazzo as head coach – under the American, Wimmer worked in Stuttgart as an assistant coach.