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Hololens: Microsoft should review military combat goggles — which has been discontinued

Hololens: Microsoft should review military combat goggles — which has been discontinued

Microsoft was supposed to supply the US Army with 6900 combat glasses – based on the Hololens 2 – for 400 million US dollars. After the first tests, Congress stopped it because the soldiers had too many problems. Microsoft – the company that carries out the order with partners – will have to make improvements and will receive $ 40 million for this, according to a Bloomberg report.

According to the report, the IVAS (Integrated Optical Augmentation System) AR glasses had serious defects after the first comprehensive tests last summer. More than 80 percent of the 70 soldiers complained of physical problems in the first three hours of the exercise. The problems caused by wearing protective glasses, which have many functions, ranged from headaches and eyestrain to nausea.

Another soldier spoke of the danger to life in an earlier report. Since the screen constantly displays information and is therefore permanently lit, wearers of data glasses are an easy target for enemy shooters in the dark despite their protection – “the devices can cost lives”. The test was conducted in three 72-hour exercises, simulating movement towards the enemy, an offensive mission, and a defensive mission. In addition to the listed symptoms, the system has too many failures in basic functions.

Then Congress rejected the US Army’s request for $400 million for up to 6,900 goggles. Microsoft is now getting $40 million from the US Army’s approved budget to develop an improved version. According to reports, the manufacturer was already awarded $125 million at the end of December to develop version 1.2 of the Hololens combat glasses, which require less power, operate more reliably and have a new form factor including better wearing comfort.

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the Army wants according to their own information I gradually introduce IVAS from September this year. However, delivery orders for IVAS 1.2 production should only be issued after qualification and company review. In all, according to the US Armed Forces’ plan, Microsoft could earn up to $21.9 billion over a decade for 121,000 devices, parts and support, Bloomberg reports Follow up.

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