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Hood: Outlaws & Legends – PvPvE heist with ray tracing and later also DLSS

Hood: Outlaws & Legends – PvPvE heist with ray tracing and later also DLSS

From Norman Whitoff
In mid-May, Hood: Outlaws & Legends, a new multiplayer game with medieval mystery scenes and action-packed robberies, that also aims to score points with its current graphic features, will appear in mid-May. Ray tracing and later Nvidia DLSS are also included.

The Next Hood: Outlaws and Myths are sometimes referred to as’payday Medieval “describes and sends players in PvPvE multiplayer heists with rival gangs in a mysterious medieval gaming world. Looting of treasures and riches can happen secretly and loudly while not only do opposing teams fight each other, but also have to deal with sentinels who control Including the computer.

Technically speaking, Unreal Engine 4 is used in the game developed by Sumo Digital and published by Focus Home Interactive and in an interview with Game director Andrew Wellans, in charge of Sumo Games Newcastle, commented on support for partial light effect calculation via ray tracing and anti-aliasing DLSS from Nvidia “AI”. So be DLSS implementation of the engine Too late for the release version, while ray tracing is an earlier part of it.

“Unreal’s DLSS plugin came a bit late for us to include it in the game, but we’ll add it after launch. Ray tracing is used, with a beautiful effect in our Marshland map, large water volume and vibrant golden sunset to enjoy postcard moments.”

In addition to a personal computer Via Steam And the dem Epic Games Store Hood: Outlaws & Legends will appear on May 10th for € 29.99 on Playstation 4 and Playstation 5 plus Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S, with 60fps display on newer consoles, plus ray tracing. As usual, there are also pre-order bonuses and various releases.

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