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How do startups find the right legal form

How do startups find the right legal form

Whether it’s a limited company, an AG, or maybe even a new FlexCo: Choosing the legal form of a startup is often very difficult for founders. However, this is a very important decision for a company, as Snezhana Arsek of the Vorarlberg Chamber of Commerce learns. who – which Austrian Chambers of Commerce start-up service However, she has made it her mission to guide young entrepreneurs in the right direction.

The startup service advises on the legal form

“Good preparation and planning before setting up a company is extremely important. Our startup service offers a comprehensive set of information and advice. It starts with our online services, where young entrepreneurs can find various planning tools,” explains Snezana Arcek.

Vorarlberg startup service digital offerings include a tool for creating a business plan, one for calculating minimum sales and a guide to legal form. “We also offer workshops, backed business advice, as well as personalized and personalized advice, where all relevant legal information is covered,” Arsic says.

Very important individual advice

According to Arsic, online guides for choosing a legal form are very useful as a first step. However, they cannot replace personal advice. “We can only discuss all the important details and characteristics of their startups with the founders in a one-on-one conversation, which are factors in choosing the legal form,” Arsic says. Zu den Merkmalen, die bei der Rechtsform zu beachten sind, gehören, ob es nur eine:n Gründer: in oder Partner: innen gibt, in welcher Branche sich das Startup bewegt, wie hoch die Investitionskosundum wit sine ft. he is.

According to Arsic, the typical and most preferred legal form for startups is GmbH. “Startups are mostly innovative enterprises with a lot of growth potential, but they also come with high risks. Of course, every startup has to pay attention to the right legal form, but with limited liability, they are often on the safe side. At the latest. When investors play an important role, the LLC is often the right choice.”

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