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How does the election campaign work with the Wirecard scandal

How does the election campaign work with the Wirecard scandal

BAs the Wirecard scandal neared an understanding, the black and red collaboration ended prematurely three months before the federal election for all to see. The strength of the alliance was only enough to decide a relatively weak joint assessment, but not a joint assessment. On Tuesday, the day when the final work of the 4,700-page Inquiry Commission was handed over to Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble, all parliamentary blocs made an assessment: the FDP, the Left and the Greens appeared together, the Union and the SPD No. The AfD party also had her own individual appearance, which in this case was less due to her desire as it was due to others’ reluctance to share the stage with her.

Matthias Hauer, the union’s chair of the inquiry, made it clear very early on Tuesday that the CDU and CSU were not considering Olaf Schulz (SPD), who is not only finance minister, but also his party’s candidate for chancellor, said the CDU politician: “The Wirecard scandal is a criminal case.” It is a testament to the failure of the auditors. And it reveals multiple audit failures before the eyes of the Federal Ministry of Finance.” Errors occurred during the final audit. Audit firm EY should not have been able to issue unqualified certificates for years. According to Hoar, the Wirecard scandal also has a prominent political dimension.” Federal finance is ignoring the other direction and doing the wrong thing, and that makes explaining difficult.”

Schulz is responsible

For the Union Parliamentary group, it is clear: “The political responsibility for the Wirecard scandal lies with Federal Minister of Finance Schulz and the leadership in the Federal Ministry of Finance.” Schulz’s ministry has been noted with delayed file delivery and flimsy excuses. “There was nothing left of the minister’s announced transparency attack, it was smoke and mirrors,” Hauer criticized. From the start, the SPD wanted to protect its candidate for chancellor. This is why they have nothing to do with financial supervision Baffin And look only at law enforcement agencies, EY and lobbyists – with the transparent goal of getting the chancellor’s candidate out of the line of fire.

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The Social Democratic Party, which ended its round of press conferences on the subject at noon, responded firmly to the allegations. “I consider this to be the noise of the union’s election campaign,” said its Malian politician, Kansel Kiziltepe. “Olav Schultz assumes no political responsibility for the Wirecard scandal,” it ruled. The allegations were not confirmed at the meetings. As there is nothing in the final report. Her friend in the party, Jens Zimmermann, noted that Schultz was head of a ministry with approximately 3,000 officials, including Bafin with 2,000 other officials. “Of course, in the end you can always say that whoever is at the top is responsible.” The commission turned all the stones to see if the minister had done anything personally. The emails pointed the other way, “He’s asking: Should I know something about this?”